by lijadmin | Mar 23, 2025 | Christian Faith, Hope, & Love
I’ve never cared much for flowers. They smell like a funeral home, they are hard to keep alive, and they are pretty expensive. I’ve never had a favorite flower or wanted my husband to gift them to me or plant them in our yard. It’s not that I didn’t like them, but I...
by lijadmin | Mar 17, 2025 | Christian Faith, Hope, & Love
Early Saturday morning, I woke to thunder booming in deep musical tones as lightning danced in the dark morning sky. I settled into my recliner, mindlessly sipping my morning java and perusing social media. A post that a friend shared popped up in my feed. The message...
by lijadmin | Mar 9, 2025 | Christian Faith, Hope, & Love
“Your position has been eliminated.” The words rang in my ear, and to be honest, I am not sure how much I heard after that. Thoughts flooding my brain: What are we going to do now? Like most, we depend on my employment. It takes two incomes to survive....
by lijadmin | Mar 2, 2025 | Christian Faith, Hope, & Love
Rejoice in the LORD always, I will say it again: Rejoice! Philippians 4:4 Being a child of the ’80s generation, I fondly remember many things about my childhood. I remember growing up in a church that had an AWANA program and We Sing Bible songs. I can almost...
by lijadmin | Feb 23, 2025 | Christian Faith, Hope, & Love
The desert. It might not be your first choice for your next vacation getaway or a short weekend trip. Most people think the desert is full of things like scorpions, rattlesnakes, intense heat, and dry vast areas without water. Partially true, but yet our Creator can...