Defeating Depression

Defeating Depression

Satan personifies evil, but he is no dummy when it comes to knowing what makes us tick. He can’t read our minds, but he diligently studies our behavior to identify our triggers – those things that stealthily pull us toward his way of thinking rather than God’s way....
Don’t Give Up

Don’t Give Up

Have you ever felt like giving up? If we are honest with ourselves we are all guilty of feeling this way at one time or another. Maybe you gave up on a task you felt was too hard. Or, maybe you gave up on a person you felt had let you down. No matter the situation,...
Never Alone

Never Alone

Do you enjoy your alone time? Grabbing a cup of coffee in the quietness of the early morning and enjoying the stillness before it gets hectic? It seems we rarely get to be still long enough to even read a good book.  But what about feeling alone?  The quietness of...


The hotel reserved for us at the very end of our tour of Ireland added the final layer to our vacation cake and iced it perfectly. We felt a bit like the Clampets traipsing into such 5-star luxury. (Jethro and Ellie Mae of course! Not Jed and Granny. Just so we’re...