Are You Indescribable?

If you could describe your feelings about Jesus, where would you start?

I was reminded last week in my newly-formed women’s small group just how inept a wordsmith I am when it comes to describing the joy of grace. If only someone could adequately describe the overwhelming relief, the uncontainable thankfulness, and the unexpected peace that accompanies such joyous grace, there would be lines of folks wrapped all around them begging for whatever they had found.

I find I have no words – only experiences that merely touch the hem of the glory of grace. Sit back, close your eyes, and reflect for a minute or two on your most indescribably joyous moments. Whom did they involve? What were your emotions? Do words really do them justice?

Perhaps, it was that first kiss from the one you’ve shared your heart and bed with for several decades.

Or, the first time you held your newborn child.

Maybe, it was something as simple as that initial bite of Shoney’s hot fudge cake with extra fudge.

Then, what about the wedding day expressions on your grown children’s faces when they first locked eyes with the ones to whom they were saying “I do”.
It might possibly be that bear hug from a friend who just wanted you to know they were glad you’ve become part of their story.

Nothing puts me at a loss for words more than trying to describe my heartfelt emotion when I cradled each of my four grandbabies for the first time.

Oh, such a gamut of amazing wordless emotion!

I take great comfort in knowing Paul defined the surpassing grace of Jesus as an indescribable gift (2 Corinthians 9:15), and Peter referred to it as an inexpressible and glorious joy (1 Peter 1:8). Maybe God didn’t mean for joy of this magnitude to be expressed in mere words, but rather through volcanically-erupting, joy-induced acts of love. After all, Jesus spoke most passionately through His acts of loving kindness and sacrifice. His indescribable and glorious love still speaks volumes.

I’ve experienced quite an aha moment today realizing that rather than spending my time searching for the right words to describe my inner joy, I should be focusing most on letting that joy pour all over the lives of others. It’s crazy how often I (and maybe you too) overlook such simple truths.

Forgiving ourselves and others whispers a better way. Doing good for those we think are least deserving testifies to the power living within us. Feeding the hungry, offering a cup of water, or caring for the weak announces that we know where our help comes from. But above all, our transformation from self-serving sinner to humble servant causes our hearts to shout out the inexpressible joy we received as a result of God’s indescribable grace.

So, what about you? What were your moments that came to mind? With the exception of some hot fudge cake, I bet yours mimicked mine in that they all centered around love.

Maybe the old saying really is true – actions speak louder than words!

Donna Jackson
Lean into Jesus Ministries
