What does it mean to become more like Jesus? Each time I hear the popular contemporary Christian song Less Like Me, by Zach Williams, the longing of my heart thumps hard and loud as the lyrics so accurately sum up my desire to be transformed to the likeness of Christ:
“Lord, help me be
A little more like mercy, a little more like grace
A little more like kindness, goodness, love, and faith
A little more like patience, a little more like peace
A little more like Jesus, a little less like me.”
Unfortunately, I often find myself more like me instead of more like Him. I realize the struggle will continue as long as I live this side of eternity. Praise the Lord that yearning will be satisfied in heaven one day.
Living Like Jesus
In the meantime, what does it look like to “live more like Jesus?” The Bible is full of examples of Jesus showing His nature to fallen humanity. His essence is perfect love, unveiled by every word spoken and action taken. A text that seems to exhibit the full range of Jesus’ character is His interaction with His disciples at the last supper.
Mercy, grace, kindness, goodness, love, faith, patience, and peace –all of that and more displayed in the text found in chapters thirteen through seventeen of the Gospel of John. Take a few minutes today and read the entire passage. It will both encourage and challenge you! A quick summary finds:
- Jesus, our Lord, took the role of a servant when He washed His disciple’s feet.
- He shared bread with Judas, the one who would betray Him.
- He prepared the disciples for what was about to occur: His crucifixion, resurrection, and departure to prepare heaven for us.
- Jesus gave them instructions –a new commandment of perfect love for others.
- He offered the disciples comfort and promised the coming of the Holy Spirit.
- Jesus warned them of the rejection they would experience in this world.
- Jesus prayed for them –not only for his disciples but for us, His followers to come.
As Jesus washed His disciples’ feet, he modeled love through service. He had compassion for Judas even though He knew Judas’ heart. In kindness and mercy, Jesus prepares us for the challenges of life on earth and graciously instructs us on how we should live. He gives us comfort and peace regardless of our circumstances. Jesus is patient with us, even when we are at our worst.
Missing the Mark
Recently my morning devotion included the following passage from the Gospel of John (it is part of the larger text earlier referenced):
“I give you a new commandment: love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another. By this all people will know you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35
As I pondered the verse, my heart was pricked with a renewed desire to embody this love for others and share it freely. However, before that very day ended, I was sickened by the conviction that I completely missed an opportunity to do just that.
I love people, and I genuinely love the person I failed. But sometimes, I miss the mark. My thoughts (emphasis on “my” instead of “His”) clouded the gift of God’s pure love and upended its delivery from me to this person, whom I am sure could have used reassurance that he is loved.
I pray God will give me another opportunity to show His love to the person I failed that day. Hopefully, God used someone else to bless that person, to show him mercy and kindness. Oh, that I would never allow my thoughts or opinions to keep me from showing His love.
I pray He will help me find joy in service, share what I have with whoever meets me at the table, and encourage and pray for others. May He guide me to refuse to give in to the temptation to judge others and always give mercy and grace as He has given to me.
Let Jesus Lead
My Christian walk seems to continually include the repetition of an awkward dance of “two steps forward, one step back.” I know if I allow Him, Jesus will lead me. My stumbles do not have to take me off the dance floor, but I must learn to follow His lead instead of taking my way.
At the end of Jesus’ prayer in John, Chapter seventeen, He stated:
“I made known to them Your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them.” John 17:26
It boils down to that. Jesus in me; His love in me as I share Him with others. More like Jesus –less like me. Yes, dear Lord, help me.
Charlene Miller
Lean into Jesus Ministries