I thought my mom would enjoy spending a Saturday at a nearby ladies’ conference, so I signed us up. She loved being around people and getting all gussied up with her fancy earrings. She could sashay with the best of them. So, sashay she did – right to the front table.

I didn’t know as many people as I thought I would, so Mama introduced us to everyone at our table. We all sang, prayed, and listened to some incredible speakers. I’m not sure what I expected, but this conference was everything I thought it would be and more.

At the end of the Come to the Well conference, I met the group’s leader on the way out. She flashed that bright smile of hers, shook my hand, and thanked us for coming. Little did I know in 2014 how sweetly God would use the women of Lean into Jesus Ministries to encourage me down the road.

In 2015, God knew I would eventually need the support of this group, so He graciously allowed me to become part of it. Three years later, Satan backed his truck up to my life and dumped an entire load of fear, grief, stress, hurt, and depression on top of my life.

I sadly stepped away from the Lean into Jesus group for a few months so I could focus on healing my emotions. While it may have seemed like I had given up on them, they never gave up on me. I received cards, calls, texts, and counseling from the women of this group. Their love encouraged me when I felt I had nothing left to offer. Because they gave me plenty of time to heal and made me feel like I mattered, I am more joyful than ever!

Why am I telling you this? I want you to know that God sees you. He knows all the joy and all the pain you experience. He uses all of it to shape you into who He created you to be. He will use every dab of color – bright or drab- to create a masterpiece for His glory. But please, don’t try to take the brush out of His hand. Let Him do the painting. He will sketch you into the right places, draw you to the right friends, and place the help you need squarely in front of you. Why? Because He expects YOU to use what you learn from Him to help His other children. He wants you to shout like David, “[God] put a new song in my mouth a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and they will trust in the Lord.” Psalm 40:3

We need each other. God designed us that way. Look around at those in your life. Some are there to help you and some are there for you to help. But, the great thing about it is, we never quite know exactly which one we are. We simply do what Jesus told us to do – love God and love people.

Thank you for showing an interest in Lean into Jesus Ministries. If you have a need we can pray about for you, please send us an email. I can vouch for the faithfulness of this group of prayer warriors.

My mom went to be with Jesus in March of 2018, but if she were here she would tell you to mark your calendars for the next Lean into Jesus conference, Willing. It’s coming up on February 1, 2020. And don’t forget to sashay to your seat!

Donna Jackson
Lean into Jesus Ministries
