Satan personifies evil, but he is no dummy when it comes to knowing what makes us tick. He can’t read our minds, but he diligently studies our behavior to identify our triggers – those things that stealthily pull us toward his way of thinking rather than God’s way. He’s relentless, but patient. If needed, he will spend months or years packing ammo into the barrel of his gun before taking aim and pulling the big trigger.

Depression didn’t come knocking, it burst through my door and plopped down as a most unwelcomed guest. I’m writing about it in hopes of not only helping those who might be going through it, but to also help friends and family know how to help. Please understand that I am no expert. I can only share what I know from my own experiences. Your triggers, the way it causes you to feel, and your strategies to deal with it may be different, but I’ll bet you see some similarities. Satan might be cunning, but he is not very creative.

Waves of depression hit me like a tsunami. It knocks my feet out from under me in one giant swoop and sends me tumbling end over end until I am totally disoriented. I’ve finally learned to recognize early symptoms more quickly and, even though I hate depression with a passion, I give in for a few days and go with its flow, all the while trusting I won’t be taken too far out to sea. It’s never a pretty site, but it’s necessary to keep from drowning.

I’m learning to simply be still and lean on Jesus. Time with Him is the very best medicine. Worship music changes the station in my heart to one that allows me to focus on Him instead of myself. Reading His words remind me of the relentless love He has for me. Creating a personal Jesus picture helps me talk to Him as I would any other friend.  

I hope you’ve created your own mental picture of Jesus – one that you can visualize whenever you need to pull Him close. If you’ve never done that, try it. Make sure you get the eyes right. That’s where His love shines through. And whatever you do, give Him a great big smile. I’m convinced that when He looks at each of us His smile exhibits the joy He finds in our friendship.

Whenever those first uneasy thoughts threaten your mental health, tell Jesus first and then tell another friend. Sometimes, just talking it out is all you need. If the depression persists, get help. Go to a counselor or doctor who can administer the appropriate emotional or physical support that’s needed.

If you have a loved one who is depressed let them be still, give them some space, and pray for them.  I know you don’t like seeing them depressed, but believe me they dislike it even more. It’s frustrating to have to become so self-centered in order to heal, especially for those whose goal is to love others.

Be understanding when they choose to limit their communication with you. By all means, send that text or leave that voicemail. Reassure them of their worth and value to you and the world, but don’t be offended if they don’t respond. After their most traumatic symptoms subside, they may experience a type of emotional hangover. Love them through it.

Keep reminding them of your love. Just listen whenever they get ready to talk. Resist giving advice. Ask a few simple questions. They will most likely ponder them later. Don’t expect them to snap out of it. Emotional healing takes more time than physical healing. Let them know that you understand healing is a process.

All of us at one time or another will find ourselves looking down the barrel of Satan’s gun filled with depression, anxiety, guilt, or just pure angst. When that happens, plug it with the promises of God, and let him go ahead and pull the trigger. Watch everything Satan meant for your harm blow up in his face for your good.

“Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens. For this reason take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having prepared everything, to take your stand.”

Ephesians 6:12-13, CSB

If you’d like to read more on this topic today, head over to Perfection Road and take a look at Depression’s Healing Process. Happy Tuesday!

Donna Jackson
Lean into Jesus Ministries
