Have you ever felt like giving up? If we are honest with ourselves we are all guilty of feeling this way at one time or another. Maybe you gave up on a task you felt was too hard. Or, maybe you gave up on a person you felt had let you down. No matter the situation, the feelings that come with quitting are something every human can identify with.

How easy it is to become discouraged when we don’t see the results we want or the outcome we had imagined, when our prayers don’t get answered in ways we thought they would, or when we walk down roads that lead to disappointment! We tend to want to “throw in the towel”!

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”

Maybe our understanding of the situations we face and the discouragement we occasionally feel has become skewed by feelings of disappointment. When we put our trust in people or in things we can easily become dismayed. You see, when we do that we look to the wrong place. But, if we look to what scripture says in Proverbs 3:5-6, we see that we can trust completely in the LORD, even when things don’t look the way we planned.

Maybe you have been praying for a particular person or situation, and it feels like your prayers aren’t working – 

Don’t Give Up!

Maybe the doctor gave you a diagnosis that was devastating – 

Don’t Give Up!

Maybe you are getting tired of waiting on the LORD’s timing, and you just want to stop – 

Don’t Give Up!

I know life is full of challenges, and there are many things that just don’t seem to make sense, but we can trust the One who didn’t give up on us! Jesus endured suffering in ways that are unimaginable so that you and I could be free. He could have given up, but He didn’t!

If we look to His example, we can find strength in the most difficult situations and peace in the most overwhelming times. We must remember to focus on Him in all things, and tell ourselves and others – 

“Don’t Give Up!”

Amanda Patterson
Lean into Jesus Ministries
