Think about the word trust. What does it mean? What do you place trust in? Who do you place trust in? Ask yourself, “Who do I really trust in this life?” A dictionary definition of trust is “assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something – one in which confidence is placed.”

We live in a world where so much is beyond our control. Circumstances impact our lives in ways we don’t expect and can’t understand. I have heard countless times, “How can a loving God allow such bad things to happen?” My answer to this question is that we must remember we live in a fallen state where evil abounds. There is a battle being fought in the spiritual realm, and it affects our life every day. This world is a temporary, perishing place with an eternity to come.

I can’t answer your question as to why God allows an EF2 tornado to demolish churches in Wetumpka, loved ones to die from routine surgery, accidents to claim our children, or disease to ravage our health. What I can tell you is that if we are to maintain balance, peace, joy, and contentment, we must learn to trust God with every situation of life. Trust in His Word, trust His strength, and stand confident that whatever we are going through, He is there. He will give us the grace needed to endure every storm in life.

I can testify that in every terrible event of my life, God has been with me and upheld me by His strength through the presence of the Holy Spirit power I received when I placed my heart into Jesus Christ’s hands. He has taught me lessons about who He is in ways that I would have only seen in a low place of life. I understand the words of Job when he stated that before he had only heard of God, but now he sees Him in a whole different perspective. Every trial and tribulation allow us to deepen our understanding of the character of our God. I know that I can trust in His provision and love. Our responsibility is to have the confidence that God’s Word is living and powerful and will sustain us no matter the heartbreak. We must stand firm on His promises that are found in relationship with His son, Jesus Christ. We must have faith that we serve a God who sees and provides. Isaiah 46:4 tells us, “Even to your old age and gray hairs I Am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you, I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”

We must live our life by faith and walk in partnership with the Lord Jesus. We must grow in our understanding of who He is and learn to trust Him more and more. As we walk in this manner, the Holy Spirit progressively gains control over all aspects of our lives. We become more influential ambassadors, able to accomplish greater works for Him that will endure through all eternity!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You that every day I can trust in Your unfailing character and love for me. I know that You are my hope and joy. Your grace gives me the confidence to stand strong in every situation that comes my way. I know you are allowing this for my benefit and not to hurt me. I believe if I keep my heart and mind focused on You, that I will overcome through Your Holy Spirit power. Help me to develop an assured reliance on Your ability, strength and truth.

Rebekah Marsh
Lean into Jesus Ministries
