Christmas Eve is almost here. For many children, it is perhaps the most exciting day of the year. Christmas Eve is filled with anticipation for the young as well as the young at heart. It is a prelude to the whirlwind of activity sure to accompany the arrival of Christmas Day. The very thought of it is enough to give the sleepiest child a severe case of insomnia.

As a youngster, I was the sleepyhead in our home. My oldest brother was typically the first to wake on Christmas morning. He would check out the tree to be sure you-know-who had made his midnight stop. If indeed he had, my brother would wake our brothers and me with a gentle but urgent shake, “Wake up! It’s Christmas!” My bleary eyes would open to see his face two inches in front of mine. With a wide grin and sparkling eyes, he would give me another playful shake and scurry off to investigate the treasures under the tree. Thirty years later, my precious children would replay the same scenario as they excitedly woke me in much the same way every Christmas morning.

“Wake up!” That is my heart’s message to you today. The One whose visitation we celebrate is Jesus Christ. He came to earth to give us the most excellent gift of all, the chance to be reconciled with our Creator.  He invites us into a right relationship with God and the opportunity to inherit eternal life. No present under a tree can compare with the gift of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

If you love Christmas music as much as I do, you might be familiar with a sweet song by Casting Crowns titled, “While You Were Sleeping.” If not, check out the link below and listen carefully to the lyrics. How long will we live in slumber? We “sleep” away minutes, hours, and days as we miss opportunities to share the gift of Jesus Christ with the world.

“Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.” Matthew 24:42 ESV

“He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” Revelation 20:20 ESV

With absolute urgency and ever so gently, allow me to shake your shoulder now and declare: “Please wake up! It’s Christmas –Jesus has come, and He is coming again.”  May your home be blessed by the presence of Jesus Christ this Christmas and always.  Share the gift!

Charlene Miller
Lean into Jesus Ministries
