Have you ever had a week so busy that you didn’t do ANY laundry? Well, I have had one of those weeks. Don’t worry; it’s still waiting on me. The laundry along with the color brushes that need to be washed at work, the mail that needs to be tended to, the floor that needs to be mopped, the Christmas cards that need to be written; it is all waiting patiently on me. At our house, we work as a team but the only problem is that we need to be at home….

We had our Amish friends down from Indiana for the Thanksgiving weekend and what a gift that was! Time spent with them and their six children is always a treasured experience. We ate and shopped and ate and shopped some more. It is very difficult to shop by horse and buggy. They loved Guntersville and all it had to offer.

We quickly went from there this week to a surprise visit at a friends church, doctor appointments, a photography appointment, a Christmas party, a day of volunteering at the GHS Wildcat Pantry, Blessings in a Backpack, our children’s 15th birthday, a visit with our special needs son, Brody, our children’s first babysitting job, and we finished off the week with a craft show and our coffee ministry.

I should also mention that we worked all week.

Are you tired yet? I am…

Proverbs 16:9 “A person plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps.”

I think what’s important to mention is that I share our crazy week with you to say that I feel that we can have the best laid plans, but we have to allow the Lord to guide our lives. I feel that time is the best gift you can ever give anyone.

We only see our Amish friends every few years and pick up where we left off. The laundry can wait and the floors can wait. We make a precious friend at every event we attend. Relationships are so important to the foundation we are built on, whether in church or at work and in life. When you have a circle of friends to share the love of Christ with, you have something to look forward to.

This weekend we met our son’s new roommate “Q”. I told him that I had prayed for a verbal child to live with Brody. He brought me his three Bibles. Can you say answered prayer? Not only is he verbal, but a young Christian man that has brought Bible Study into Brody’s group home.

Take time to enjoy every day. I can’t imagine missing anything from my week. It all makes up the reminder that we are never guaranteed tomorrow.

Proverbs 27:21 “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.”

Wendy Griffin
Lean into Jesus Ministries
