“Abide in Me” John 15:4

Just what is the secret of life? Award-winning country music singer Faith Hill sings her version of the secret of life, and I don’t go along with her answer. Sam, in the song, says, “There ain’t no secret.”
But, is there?
Have you found it?
If so, are you embracing it?
Just over a year ago, I was attending a freedom conference, and over the course of two days, I heard the speaker repeatedly mention the “abundant life.” I pondered this over the next few weeks and months, knowing I was missing out. And just as the Holy Spirit does with perfect timing, He placed these two spirit-filled words in many of my daily readings. I began a mission to discover more since I never want to be left out, especially if I know it’s good for me. Then, in a small group Bible study, a dear sweet friend would occasionally comment on statements from the book Abide In Christ by Andrew Murray. The more she talked about this book, the more I knew it was a must-read.
In the foreword, written by Doug Nuenke, he writes, “While the Cross and Resurrection are central to our Christian faith, the gospel was never meant to become only a reprieve from the grave. The bottom line is that when we reduce the gospel to only a transaction that secures us heaven, we may actually miss the abundant life God intended us to have, both now and forever”. He goes on to say, “Another barrier is that many of us get stuck thinking communion with God hinges on us doing the right thing or being in the right place. We think it depends on us.”
THAT WAS IT!  THIS WAS MY THINKING. This was the secret I’d been searching for.

The abundant life God intended began to click. It’s not about what I do because Jesus has already done the work.  All I am to do is yield to the finished work He has already done on my behalf. No longer is it about striving, but abiding in Christ.

If I’m totally upfront, the phrase “abide in Christ” had always been one that frightened me. I feared it was a life completely out of my reach. That was until I started learning and studying more about its intent from the Word. In the NKJV, John 15:4 reads, “Abide in Me.”  The NLT uses the word remain, “Remain in Me.” Remain implies a sense of place and being in the presence of God and not leaving. The Message translation nailed it for me when it says …  Live in Me. Make your home in Me just as I do in you.” 

I imagine the majority of you feel the same as me in that home is your security blanket.  It is where we are most known, loved, accepted, and at rest. Now … the connection for me is no longer intimidating because there’s no place I’d rather be than remaining IN Jesus as He is in me because He’s not going anywhere!

As I have perused through this study a couple of times already, I’d like to share a portion of what spoke to me as I pressed toward abiding in Christ.

Abide in Christ as your wisdom.

Resting in Christ allows us to experience the true knowledge of God. God’s love, power, and glory we encounter in Jesus far exceeds anything we can understand. We can experience peace because Christ himself is our wisdom. Jesus is not stingy with His wisdom.  He will teach and guide us in our convictions and obligations. To seek His wisdom, we need only seek Him, for wisdom and knowledge are hidden treasures in Him. We should seek Him wholeheartedly and not let anything compete for our devotion to God. As we become deeply rooted in Him by trusting Him, believing His love, and waiting for His guidance, His wisdom will allow you to encounter the abundant life.

Abide in Christ that you bear much fruit.

 “He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing … By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit” (John 15:5,8) A fruit-bearing tree does not exist for itself. It exists for those to whom its fruit brings refreshment and life.  And so, it is with us. We are not here for ourselves! As we abide in Christ, we become like a tree of life to those around us – a center of life and blessing. This is not due to our own striving but to our simple abiding in Christ. The Spirit will guide you and teach you, even in your weaknesses, especially when you think you don’t have what it takes. Christ’s power in you will work through you. The great secret of resting in Christ is the deep conviction that we are nothing and He is everything!  He will bless those around you when you allow Him to use you. Through your weaknesses, Christ’s strength is made perfect. So, when you offer yourself in service to God, even when you think you don’t have what it takes, you enter into the process of bearing fruit and God’s power shines brightly. We live to represent and glorify Him!

Abide in Christ with no trust in self.

The secret of the life of faith is to deny, give up, and totally surrender your life to God … “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.” (Gal 2:20) As Christians, we too have a rebellious flesh that more often than not wants what we want and not what God wants for us. In our own power, we cannot resist the “me, myself, and I.” The greatest enemy of the abiding life, in my opinion, is self, and this is a sad but honest struggle for me. What I am learning is that unless the will of self is uprooted and replaced with Christ, remaining in Him will be impossible. It is in the slaying, the sacrifice of self, that the power of God is set free in us, and our surrender to God is made complete!
And so, it is in total surrender of all that is not of Christ that our hearts begin to seek as we get to know Him better and rest in Him. As you are willing to crucify the self and allow Jesus to become your life, inspiring your thinking, feeling, and acting in all things, He is ready to take the place of your self. He will be your life in the fullest sense of the word, extending His wisdom and power to every aspect of every moment. He only asks that you abide in Him, abandoning the self that has demanded your loyalty. The power of His Holy presence in you will cast out your old life so the new life can take root. This is a call to give up yourself.  In doing so, know that Christ has promised you His life in place of yours.  That’s a great trade-off, wouldn’t you say? Your self is not dead, but you are dead to self! Through this self-denial and surrender to God, He will teach you humility and trust.
We’re only three days into the New Year 2021. If you’ve not yet uncovered the secret of living the abundant life, may this be the year you commit to that journey. My prayer for you is that God will grant you the desire, power, and courage to center your life around seeking to abide in Him and that you will go all-in wholeheartedly. And through this process, may your abiding in Him yield lasting fruit so that others will want what you have and see the glory of God shining in and through you.

“I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener.  He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.  Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.”
 (John 15:1-5)

Kim King
Lean into Jesus Ministries
