“Take 12 stones, one for each tribe out of Jordan. That this will be a sign among you when your children ask what mean this stone you will answer-God cut off Jordan before the ark of the covenant- this shall be a memorial for the children of Israel forever.” Joshua 4:3,6-7

What a time to have lived during the age of the Old Testament. As I read about the many miraculous incidents that God performed during the life of the Israelites, I stand amazed and in awe of His mighty power.

Have you ever wondered why you were born now and not in another time and age? I think about this a lot. I think about the age of the Old Testament and all that happened during their lifetime: the plagues of Egypt, the deliverance from bondage, the parting of the Red Sea, the wandering in the wilderness for forty years, the battles God’s hand-delivered from their enemies, the prophets God spoke through, the kings that He placed in position and then the 400 years of silence!

When I reflect on this period of history, I’ll have to say I am thankful to be looking back instead of experiencing this journey myself! This was a hard and bloody path, a time when the presence of God sometimes appeared in a cloud by day, fire by night, and the presence of God was represented by the ark of the covenant. The law had so many do’s, and don’ts and the people of Israel continually fell short. This age was a time that God had sought out a people, a chosen people to be His people, and for Him to be their God, and when He did something miraculous, He did it for His namesake that all the world would know He was the one true God.

In Joshua 3-4, we learn of one of those times when God had the priest to take the ark of the covenant into the overflowing Jordan river and stand, and God held back the river, and they stood on dry ground until the Israelites passed through. He told them to take a man from each tribe and for him to take a stone out and take it with them. When asked by the children, “what does this mean?” God said, “you will answer ‘God cut off Jordan before the ark of the covenant- this shall be a memorial for the children of Israel forever.”

A man from every tribe to get a stone! The question I asked myself when I read this is: who is my tribe? Is this my family, friends, and even acquaintances that God has placed in my life? What is my stone of remembrance that I am leaving for my tribe? What miraculous blessing has God done for me, and what has he done for you that we can share with our loved ones that can be passed down for generations forever? Not because someone else told us but because you and I have witnessed it for ourselves.

Instead of looking back to another time, I’m looking now to the age of The Church, the time when The Holy Spirit fell at Pentecost till this present age, before the rapture of God’s bride, God’s family, the body of believers. I’m so thankful I live in the age of grace, a time of unmerited favor and forgiveness. Salvation is given to whoever believes in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior, God’s only son who gave his life that we might live forever.

If we then are His children saved by grace through faith, we have an opportunity to share what He has done for us today -in such a time as this! Daily trials and tribulations are surrounding us in this present world, but as children of God, we can be faithful and not fearful! God’s power is ever-present seek it, and you will find, knock, and it will be opened unto you.

The last three years have been the darkest and hardest of my life, but God has never been as close and revealing his presence as during this time of my life. The personal miraculous things He showed me are forever a remembrance that I try to share with whoever will listen. He is a personal savior, and He surrounds the storm you are in with such grace. Don’t be afraid to ask Him for something extraordinary; He will surprise you in ways unimaginable. When special moments happen, we realize more and more how much He loves you and me.

I share with our grandson stories about life; He always wants to know, “is this a real story Mamaw?” I have a lot to share, but one that is so dear to my heart happened just a few days after my son Zack died last year in 2019. I was walking outside in my little flower garden, just crying out to God in my grief when I thought my heart would burst open.  Suddenly my eyes fell on a rock that looked just like a heart!  As I picked it up and looked closer, I realized that the center was broken out of the middle, which caused it to be shaped just like a heart!!

God whispered from His word, ” I will never leave you comfortless, and I am near to those of a broken heart and a contrite spirit”! To say I did a happy dance would put it mildly, and Larry can testify to that! Did I say He is a personal savior? Did He say, “He would never forsake us”? His spirit is ever-present and is available for our needs, and I know more is available in every situation if we would just ask of the Father. “He said you have not because you ask not.” God wants to open the windows of heaven and pour us out a blessing! Are we asking, are we looking, and are we expecting? He wants to give you stones of remembrances so you can pass them on to your tribe, whoever they may be.

We are living in such uncertain times, but God is still on the throne, and if we watch as He said to, we will not be caught unaware! I believe He will reveal more and more to His children if we seek him! Be the light in the darkness, the faithful for the fearful, and the peace for the weary till He comes.

“Open the eyes of my heart Lord
Open the eyes of my heart
I want to see you
I want to see you!”

Diane Mann
Lean into Jesus Ministries
