Promise Keeper

Miracle worker
Promise keeper
Light in the darkness
My God
That is who you are

The other night as my husband and I were driving home from a night out, I asked him to find the song Way Maker by Leeland. For some reason the song had been stuck in my mind for the past few days. As we listened to the lyrics, I couldn’t help but smile as I thought about the whirlwind that has been my life over the past year. We are coming up on our first wedding anniversary on December 1st, and I am currently 15 weeks pregnant with our first child. These may seem like very normal life events, but to me, they are the fulfillment of promises God made over seven years ago.

I believe it’s an incredible encounter when God places a promise in our hearts, but what’s not incredible is the wait that sometimes follows. Over seven years ago I knew God had promised me that Cody was going to be my husband. Now, at the time of this promise, Cody was currently living in what I will call “the distant country” and I honestly had no idea how God was going to bring him back to me. Our lives were so different, and at the time, he wanted nothing to do with me. Our friendship had come to an abrupt halt. The waiting tested my faith beyond what I thought was possible, but over the course of the next five years, God would reveal Himself to me in ways I still believe are nothing short of miraculous.

During this time, family and friends showed great concern that I was now in my early thirties and still single. I can’t tell you how many times friends or church family wanted to set me up and see me get married. I always tried to tell them that I was just fine and that I knew God had a plan, but I always saw the look of pity on their faces. Only a few people knew that I was waiting on God to fulfill a very specific promise. To say the struggle was real is an understatement. Several and I mean several times during those five years I questioned if I had really heard and understood the promise God had placed in my heart. I can remember clinging to this passage from Numbers 23:19, “God is NOT a man, that He should lie!”

How often we give human qualities to a Holy God. God is not a man. He does not lie. If he has put a promise in your heart that has been confirmed through scripture, you can live with 100% assurance that He will come through on His promises. It may not be as quickly as you hope and it may not come as easily as you would like, but it will happen. Joshua 21:45 says, “Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.” Every one.

When I was in high school and even college, I always thought I would be married by 24 and shortly after start a family, but that wasn’t God’s plan. I will be 38 years old when I have my first child, and even though I am having an “advanced age pregnancy,” I couldn’t be happier. God fulfilled his promise! I am married to Cody, and we are having a baby! It did not happen in the time frame I had hoped for, and it definitely has not been as easy as I thought it would, but God made the way.

Hold tight to the promises God has placed in your heart and revealed to you through scripture. No matter what your current circumstance or how long your wait has been. No matter how hard it is or how much you want to give up. God is a way maker; He is a miracle worker. He is a promise keeper. That’s just who He is!

April Kirkland
Lean into Jesus Ministries

The link below will connect you with the official YouTube video.  Enjoy the beautiful lyrics and hold on to the truth of His promises.
