We live in a fallen world, and this world is our temporary home. One day we will get to sit at the feet of Jesus, and what a glorious day that will be. Until that day, we fight on.

Currently, our country is a tumultuous place where we are up against sin at every turn. Families are falling or have fallen apart. We are fighting battles on our own that we never speak of, let alone go to The Lord in prayer about. Words never have to be spoken aloud and only thru your heart. HE already knows but still wants to have a personal relationship with you and for you to lay it down. Give it to HIM and be at peace.

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

He knows the battle and fights for you.

What God said in Exodus 14:14 has proven true; HIS promises always prove true.

The Lord will fight for you.

So today, I offer a prayer for us:

Heavenly Father,
First and foremost, we thank you and praise you. We come to you as your sons and daughters; we pray you will remind us of your love for us and remind us to love others as you love.

Remind us of the grace and mercy you bestow on us so that we may also grant this to others. Help us to remember we are here to serve others. When we do this, we are really serving you.

Thank you for the gift of life and to remind us of the preciousness of it all.

You know our hearts and our sins and still want us. You want us for us. Draw near and let us feel your presence. Be near in times of weakness and pain; sustain by your grace that strength and courage may not fail.

Open our eyes to see you. God, open our ears so that we can hear you as we cry. May we take hold of your promise that you will never leave nor forsake us. In whatever circumstances we face, remind us that you have not left our side, and you never will.

Your will is good and perfect. It is best for You and, therefore, best for us and any others who may be affected by this prayer. Lord, we ask you to give us all-around peace in our mind, body, and soul. We ask you to heal and remove everything that is causing stress, grief, and sorrow in our lives. Please guide us on our path through this world.

I personally thank you for each soul reading this as you know all the needs of each, whether it’s been said or hidden deep in our hearts. We all are fighting a battle of some sort; I pray you will cover them with your protection. Draw near to them and let them feel your presence.

I ask all this in Jesus’ name.

Missy Burks
Lean into Jesus Ministries