Lifting up a Standard

“Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people.”  Isaiah 62:10

Recently I saw a video about Brother Billy Graham that has lingered in my heart for several weeks.  I don’t know how you feel about him, but to our family, he was the evangelist of my generation.  As a child watching and listening to his crusades, he planted a seed in my life that is still present to this day.  What I so admired about him was that the message of the gospel never wavered throughout his entire life of ministry.  

The video stated that he had served under numerous Republican presidents as well as numerous Democratic presidents.  Though the status of administrations, programs, and agendas changed with each president, his message was still the simple story that Jesus saves! Billy Graham never changed his convictions or standards through all the many presidents he ministered to throughout his life. He was respected by all who had the honor to receive his messages and counsel.   His crusades have made an eternal impact upon this world!  Billy Graham held the banner high and always lifted the standard of Jesus Christ as our Savior, Lord, and coming King.

Personal Application 

At one of our dear friend’s funeral, a few months ago the pastor that conducted his service shared about his life, and how he had served in many capacities in the community and the church.  The statement that stood out so much to me said, “Chris served the Lord well in his generation.” Wow!!!  This thought brings tears to my eyes as I type these words.  What greater legacy can we leave behind than that?

In the last two years, living in the pandemic crisis changed a whole world in some form or fashion.  We all have lost so many friends and family.  Our family has lost four members since January of 2021: a dear cousin’s son died at forty years old this week, and our dear sister lost her 32-year-old grandson last month, as well as her son and his father in January. With so much grief around us daily, it’s so often hard to remain steadfast in our attitude. As I search my heart, I’m reminded that I am getting close to that promise of three scores and ten years of life (70), and I am reflecting on the question did I serve the Lord well in my generation!


Looking back how I wish that I had done so many things differently, but I know in my heart that we need to look forward, not back. A few weeks before my son died in 2019; the Lord gave me a word to claim every day to keep my heart focused.  The word He gave me was: resolved.  The dictionary states that resolved means settled, the agreement has been reached, firm, and fixed in purpose.  

I claimed that before he died of an overdose and continued to know that God was giving me a word so I would not be destroyed by my grief! My life in Christ is settled, it is resolute, it is firm in purpose no matter the circumstances I face or the circumstances of the world in the times I am living.  God is my hope, my peace, and my comforter, and besides him, there is no other.

I believe God prepares our hearts for the storms of life if we will be still and listen.  Satan will try every way to destroy us, especially when we are so vulnerable; those are the times we act on truth and not emotions.  I realize everyday people are watching us see how we will respond in these perilous times as Christians.  May we lift up the banner of the Lord in all that we do. The Bible says this during the prophecy of the Jewish nation and the times they were experiencing.

“So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun.  When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.”  Isaiah 59:19

The Bible states in Genesis how that God said to Noah, “For thee have I seen righteous in this generation.” When God looks at us now, he sees the righteousness of Christ who redeemed us by His blood, but oh, how I want him to see fruits in me that are growing and not a life of regret.  How do we build a life edifying God in a world that has gone mad? How can we keep from blending in with the world?

Building Blocks

  1. First and foremost, build up our relationship with Christ through prayer, his word, and time of worship.
  2. Build up your marriage with love and honor for each other.  Pray together, forgive each other consider the other more than you consider yourself. 
  3. Build an ark for your children. Prepare them spiritually first and foremost. Love God (and them) in such a way that they will want to experience that kind of love themselves.
  4. Build relationships with others, be compassionate, share Christ’s love for them, do unto them as you would have them do unto you. Witness the saving knowledge of Jesus with any door that opens to you.
  5. Build your home with wisdom and not just beautiful houses to relish.
  6. Build your careers so you can edify God in the work and talents He has bestowed upon you and give back to help God’s kingdom work.
  7. Build a character that has the attributes of our Lord instead of a reputation that is to bring light to self. Don’t be self-consumed but be other-oriented.

There is an urgency in my spirit to sound the warning, to encourage our families and friends to defend the standard of God’s truth against all the lies and deceit the world is imposing on our generation. It is our time; we are not promised tomorrow. Do not let the world lead our children and grandchildren down the path of destruction.  Technology is so great in so many ways, but with every good, satan creates evil to counteract his schemes.  Be the truth, be the alarm to your children, pray at home, read the Bible around the table, and worship together as a family. I read this recently and felt I wanted to share, and  I pray it causes you to stop and think about our priorities as families.

Four Generations Fade

  1.  Parents don’t make church a high priority for their kids.
  2.  Kids grow up and make it less of a priority for their kids.
  3. The next generation of kids grow up and make it no priority for their kids.
  4. The fourth generation of kids has no concept of God. Priorities today impart generations.

How do we stop it?  Lift up the standard of our Lord Jesus Christ in all we do by

  • Pursuing God; draw nigh unto him.
  • Preparing; prepare ourselves and our children to fortify with God’s power and truth.  
  • Produce; produce fruits of righteousness that will draw others to Christ.

I have a heavy heart for the world of lost souls.  It also aches for that Christian that laid aside the foundation on which we stand.

“If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways  I would hear from heaven and heal their land.”  2 Chronicles 7:14

Diane Mann

Lean into Jesus Ministries
