Psalm 61
A Psalm of David
“Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer.” Psalm 61:1

Do you know how many times I have prayed that prayer to my Holy Shepherd? I can’t count that high! So often, my Bible just seems to fall open to the book of Psalms. God’s Word is where I turn when troubles come my way. When words fail, hopes are dim, pain is present, and fears are overwhelming, the psalms express what I cannot. Whenever I feel alone, afraid, stressed out, or just plain sick and tired, the psalms get through all my self-imposed barriers. I can always take comfort in knowing no human suffering has been banned from this rich book, not even a pandemic or an at-risk grandchild.

No denials, no pious platitudes here. All the anguish of our common humanity is freely expressed. No wonder our Lord relied on the psalms to sustain him during his ministry and to comfort him during his dying hours on the cross. If Jesus relied on the psalms, then we should too. I often pray the words of the psalmist in times of confusion and fear –what better time than now in the midst of a global pandemic?

So right here and now, no matter who, what where, or how you are, you, too, can pray as you read Psalm 61. You will be upheld by the faith of all those countless souls who have walked the same lonely path during their time on this earth. We can trust that Jesus, our God in human flesh, has marked your path—and mine. So, take courage! God walks beside us and prays along with us. No matter where we are, we need never walk alone. “…lead me, Lord, to the rock that is higher than I.” v. 2

The next Psalm, Psalm 62:1-2, says, “Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress; I will never be shaken.” Those words bless my soul and my heart as I read them, and the Great Comforter fills me with a sense of peace in the midst of uncertain times. Though storms can rage, we can always find refuge in God’s arms. (Psalm 46:1) He is our fortress; we can never be shaken… for long anyway.

I hope and pray that your Bible will just fall wide open to the perfect psalm as you journey along the path that God has prepared for you.

“Heavenly Father, Thank you, my Faithful Friend, that today I can rest from all my struggles, for you have heard my heart’s cry. Amen”

Jeannie Lyle
Lean into Jesus Ministries

“From the ends of the earth, I call to you. I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Psalm 61:2

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1


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Saturday, February 15

Do you long to experience profound peace? Join the Lean into Jesus team as we endeavor to STILL our hearts in the presence of Jesus.