“Give thanks to Him and praise His name.  For Yahweh is good, and His love is eternal; His faithfulness endures through all generations.”  Psalm 100:4b-5 HCSB

A couple of weeks ago, my family received an unexpectedly positive pathology report on a dear family member.  We were emotional, relieved, and thankful as we immediately recognized this news as an answered prayer.  We praised God for His mercy. 

I posted a link to one of my favorite songs on social media.  “Goodness of God” speaks of our reliance on God and His incredible “goodness.”   The lyrics declare, “all my life You have been faithful; and all my life You have been so, so good…”  Friends and family joined in the celebration as we thanked God. 

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His faithful love endures forever.”  1 Chronicles 16:34

The excellent news sank in as this beautiful song played several times. I felt a little tug on my heart –a loving whisper of conviction that speaks to the soul.  You may be familiar with the tug I’m talking about, the gentle prodding of The Holy Spirit that calls attention to consider something important.  The question slowly surfaced, “If the pathology report had brought bad news, would I have shared that that particular song about the goodness of God with the world?”  If the results had not been what we hoped and prayed they would be, God would undoubtedly continue to be good.  My response, however, would likely have been different.

Of course, God IS good! His goodness is not contingent on my situation or circumstance. Good is part of who and what HE is! 

“Taste and see that the LORD is good.” Psalm 34:8a HCSB

Not so long ago, I experienced an extraordinary encounter with the goodness of God.  My family gathered to remember and celebrate the life of a dearly loved and beautiful little one. The burden of our grief weighed heavily.  We collectively struggled with the devastating loss of our tiny, strong warrior.   

During the memorial service, the worship team shared the song “King of My Heart.” “…Let the King of my heart be the shadow where I hide, the ransom for my life. Oh, He is my song.  You are good, good, oh, oh. You are good, good, oh, oh…”

The Holy Spirit began to stir.  He ministered tangibly, applying the sweet balm of holy comfort to our aching hearts.  Despite profound grief, the young parents confirmed their faith in God, as they whispered,

“You are good, good, oh, oh.”

Family members joined in.

“You are good, good, oh, oh…”

The ministers stood to their feet as they lead the anthem of praise. 

“You are good, good, oh, oh.” 

“…You’re never gonna let, never gonna let me down…” 

Indeed, He did not, and He will not let us down.  Tears ran freely down our cheeks as praise to God filled the sanctuary.  The very presence of God inhabited the praise of His people.  God invited us to not only believe in His goodness but to experience it.  And we did.

“Answer me, LORD, for Your faithful love is good; in keeping with Your great compassion, turn to me.” Psalm 69:16 HCSB

I pray you will experience a taste of the overwhelming goodness of God when you click on the links below. Listen carefully to the lyrics.  Turn up the volume; listen with your heart.  Join me in praising the only one worthy  -Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Even if our circumstances are not what we hoped and prayed they would be, God is good.

“…with every breath that I am able, oh, I will sing of the goodness of God.”

Charlene Miller

Lean into Jesus Ministries
