Have you ever thought about the story of the woman with the issue of blood in the book of Matthew in the Bible?  This dear woman had been sick with hemorrhaging for twelve long years.  She had gone to many doctors and spent everything she had to get well but was still sick.   She probably had fatigue, anemia, weak and very frail.  

According to Jewish law, she was unclean and was not supposed to touch anyone.  If she did touch someone, that person was to bathe, wash their clothes, and was considered unclean until evening.  Can you imagine being sick, weak, frail, and not allowed to be around anyone?  If that had been me, I would have been very depressed. 

The woman heard about a man.  She heard he was healing the sick, so she decided that she would be healed if she could find this man named Jesus.  The sick woman lived about 30 miles from where Jesus was supposed to be.   She decided to make the journey regardless of  Jewish laws.  She decided that no matter how sick she was, she would journey to this man named Jesus.

When she finally made it to where Jesus was, she had to fight the crowd, push her way through, refuse to be defeated.   She believed she would receive healing.  When she got to where Jesus was, there was a huge crowd of people.  She had to touch people to get to Jesus, but it did not matter.  She had to get to Him.

She finally made it.  Her miracle was right before her.  She reached down and touched the hem of his garment.  Immediately she was well.  No more sickness!!!  When she touched Jesus, He felt power leave him.  He turned around and said to the disciples, “Who touched me?”  This woman heard Jesus, and even though she was trembling and frightened, realizing what happened to her, she fell at His feet.  She told him the truth and admitted to Him that she was the one that had touched Him.  Jesus was gentle and loving.  He told her,

“Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.” Matthew 9:22 (NIV) 

 I can only imagine how she felt when Jesus’ power touched her, and she knew the battle was over, and it was well in her body.   Jesus did not have to speak a word.  She did not have to be given instructions to follow to receive the healing.  All she had to do was to use her faith, to believe when she touched him, the battle was over.   This woman taught us the importance of faith and our reward when we exercise our faith.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV)  

This woman was a woman of strength and courage because of her faith.  Courage is not the absence of fear but the presence of faith.

“Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous, Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9 (ESV) 

I want to challenge you today to activate your faith.  Do not accept the words spoken over you for the things going on in your life.  Be strong and courageous.  Believe in God’s Word in all situations in your life.  Pray and do not give up.  Pray until you touch the hem of his garment and are made whole.

Patti League

Lean into Jesus Ministries
