Do you know my Jesus?
He is so loving and kind,
He is a true gentleman
full of mercy divine.
Do you know my Jesus?
He is patient and true,
He waits kindly on you
to love Him, too.
Do you know my Jesus?
He walks with power and truth.
He came to heal the hurting
and preach the good news.
Do you know my Jesus?
He surely knows you.
He hung on a cross and
chose to bleed and die while remembering you.
He did not choose to come as a tyrant
but chose to come as a merciful King,
pouring out grace
on the undeserving.
He came for you,
He came for me.
He gave it all
so you could be free.
“Free from what?” you might ask.
The chains of sin!
They wrap us up tightly,
until we let Him in.
Let Him in to change us
and wash us clean,
from all the things that have held us ransom
and separate us from Him.
He gave it all for you
and all He wants in return
is for you to trust Him
and allow Him His turn.
You must realize He is devoted to you.
Just allow him to change you;
I promise,
He is true!
It will be worth it,
to trust and obey;
for when you know my Jesus,
you will never be the same!
My prayer is that if you don’t know Jesus, you will trust Him today. He has come to make a way that all may be reconciled to God through Him. He took our punishment and paid the price that we could be free.
Romans 3:23 says “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” But thankfully, Romans 3:34 tell us, “they are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”
Praise God for the truth in these next verses as well, Romans 3:25-26: “God presented Him as a propitiation through faith in His blood, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His restraint God passed over the sins previously committed. He presented Him to demonstrate His righteousness at the present time so that He would be righteous and declare righteous the one who has faith in Jesus.”
My friend, if you have never surrendered your life to Christ, may I encourage you that, “today is the day for salvation!”
Amanda Patterson
Lean into Jesus Ministries