New International Version Hebrews 12:1

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us

Who is in your cloud?  Whose cloud are you in?  In the 70’s the Rolling Stones had a song titled “Hey you get off of my cloud”, a catchy tune, but I think the call for us as believers is not to get off the cloud, but instead to be the cloud and to embrace the cloud that is around us!

I grew up in a small church, there were times when I was the only youth.  But I was surrounded by a church full of saints, bigger than life, strong in the Lord.  They loved me and poured into me everything they knew.  They were my cloud of witnesses!  Most of them are long gone, having “run with perseverance”and finished the race.  But their cloud still exists, their prayers for me and for many others continue long past their physical presence here with us.  The example they set with their lives, their words of encouragement was a constant reminder of what it means to be a follower of Christ.

One of my remaining witnesses is Jeanette McGinnis.  She was my 2nd grade Sunday school teacher.  I was in her class when I asked Jesus into my heart.  She has loved and encouraged me at every stage of my life.  I saw her this summer at Camp Meeting.  She is well into her 80’s, but I am still her girl.  She thinks the best of me, she expects the best of me- she is one of my biggest cheerleaders.  I am sure that my name passes through her lips in prayer on a regular basis.  She is in my cloud along with many others.   But whosecloud am I in?  Who am I pouring into in the same way that so many have poured into me?  Am I setting an example of what it looks like to follow Jesus?  Am I encouraging others to “throw off everything that hinds and the sin that so easily entangles”?  Are we running with perseverance and encouraging others to do the same?  I want to finish strong for all those who have gone before me.  I want to be the same kind of example for those coming behind me.  I know you want the same!

Join me in thanking God for our “cloud of witnesses”and asking Him where would He like to use us to encourage others, whose cloud does He want us in?

Listen to Ray Boltz sing “Thank You”and remember those who changed your life!

Shirley Chupp

Lean into Jesus Ministries
